package de.uka.ipd.sdq.beagle.core.pcmconnection;
import de.uka.ipd.sdq.beagle.core.Blackboard;
import de.uka.ipd.sdq.beagle.core.BlackboardStorer;
import de.uka.ipd.sdq.beagle.core.facade.BlackboardCreator;
import de.uka.ipd.sdq.beagle.core.facade.SourceCodeFileProvider;
import de.uka.ipd.sdq.beagle.core.pcmsourcestatementlink.PcmSourceStatementLinkRepository;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.WrappedException;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.RepositoryFactory;
import org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.impl.RepositoryImpl;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Creates {@link Blackboard} instances suitable to analyse elements from a PCM
* repository. The factory searches the repository for resource demanding internal
* actions, SEFF loops and SEFF branches (hereafter called <em>PCM elements</em>). It
* translates these into the corresponding Beagle Object and puts them on a new
* Blackboard. To be translated, <em>PCM elements</em> must have a binding to sections in
* source code files expressed in the source code decorator model.
* @author Joshua Gleitze
* @author Ansgar Spiegler
* @author Roman Langrehr
public class PcmRepositoryBlackboardFactoryAdder implements BlackboardStorer<PcmBeagleMappings> {
* The repository where this class should extract all its information from.
private final RepositoryImpl repository;
* Instance of helper class, extracting a given repository.
private PcmRepositoryExtractor pcmExtractor;
* The {@link SourceCodeFileProvider} for the project under analysis.
private final SourceCodeFileProvider sourceCodeFileProvider;
* The {@link PcmSourceStatementLinkRepository} for the project under analysis.
private final PcmSourceStatementLinkRepository sourceStatementLinkRepository;
* Creates a factory that will search the provided PCM files for <em>PCM
* elements</em>.
* @param repositoryFileName PCM repository to load from.
* @param sourceCodeFileProvider The {@link SourceCodeFileProvider} for the project
* under analysis.
* @param sourceStatementLinkRepository The repository containing the linking of
* seffElements to SourceCode
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If input parameter does not represent a valid
* repository file or if repositoryFileName can not be resolved to a valid
* file
public PcmRepositoryBlackboardFactoryAdder(final String repositoryFileName,
final SourceCodeFileProvider sourceCodeFileProvider,
final PcmSourceStatementLinkRepository sourceStatementLinkRepository) {
this.sourceCodeFileProvider = sourceCodeFileProvider;
this.sourceStatementLinkRepository = sourceStatementLinkRepository;
final File test = new File(repositoryFileName);
if (!test.exists() || !test.isFile()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No file found at: " + repositoryFileName);
try {
final EPackage ePackage = RepositoryFactory.eINSTANCE.getEPackage();
final EObject eObject = EmfHelper.loadFromXMIFile(repositoryFileName, ePackage);
if (!(eObject.getClass() == RepositoryImpl.class)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.repository = (RepositoryImpl) eObject;
} catch (final WrappedException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load repository file: " + repositoryFileName, exception);
* Creates a factory that will search the provided PCM file for <em>PCM elements</em>.
* @param pcmRepositoryFiles PCM repository file.
* @param sourceCodeFileProvider The {@link SourceCodeFileProvider} for the project
* under analysis.
* @param sourceStatementLinkRepository The repository containing the linking of
* seffElements to SourceCode
public PcmRepositoryBlackboardFactoryAdder(final File pcmRepositoryFiles,
final SourceCodeFileProvider sourceCodeFileProvider,
final PcmSourceStatementLinkRepository sourceStatementLinkRepository) {
this(pcmRepositoryFiles.getAbsolutePath(), sourceCodeFileProvider, sourceStatementLinkRepository);
* Builds a new blackboard and writes the Beagle objects representing all found
* <em>PCM elements</em> to it. Only <em>PCM elements</em> that fulfil the
* restrictions described in the class description will be written.
* @param blackboardFactory all translated <em>PCM elements</em> will be written on
* it. The rdias, seffLoops, seffBranches and externalCallPAramerts will
* never be {@code null} afterwards.
public void getBlackboardForAllElements(final BlackboardCreator blackboardFactory) {
this.pcmExtractor = new PcmRepositoryExtractor(this.sourceCodeFileProvider, this.sourceStatementLinkRepository);
this.pcmExtractor.getBlackboardForAllElements(this.repository, blackboardFactory);
* Builds a new blackboard and writes the Beagle objects representing <em>PCM
* elements</em> related to {@code ids} to it. Only <em>PCM elements</em> that fulfil
* the restrictions described in the class description will be written.
* <p>For any provided ID {@code id}, <em>PCM elements</em> will be selected to be
* written on the blackboard as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>If {@code id} describes a component, all <em>PCM elements</em> that are part of
* the component’s service effect specification will be selected. Nested components
* will be inspected recursively.
* <li>If {@code id} describes a repository, all contained components will be
* inspected as if their ID had been provided.
* <li>If {@code id} describes a <em>PCM element</em>, it will be selected.
* <li>Any different ID will be silently ignored.
* </ul>
* @param identifiers Identifiers of elements in the repository files that shall be
* written to the Blackboard.
* @param blackboardFactory all translated <em>PCM elements</em> will be written on
* it. The rdias, seffLoops, seffBranches and externalCallPAramerts will
* never be {@code null} afterwards.
public void getBlackboardForIds(final Collection<String> identifiers, final BlackboardCreator blackboardFactory) {
if (identifiers == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
for (final String identifier : identifiers) {
if (identifier == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
this.pcmExtractor = new PcmRepositoryExtractor(this.sourceCodeFileProvider, this.sourceStatementLinkRepository);
this.pcmExtractor.getBlackboardForIds(this.repository, identifiers, blackboardFactory);
* Builds a new blackboard and writes the Beagle objects representing <em>PCM
* elements</em> related to {@code ids} to it. Only <em>PCM elements</em> that fulfil
* the restrictions described in the class description will be written.
* <p>For any provided ID {@code id}, <em>PCM elements</em> will be selected to be
* written on the blackboard as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>If {@code id} describes a component, all <em>PCM elements</em> that are part of
* the component’s service effect specification will be selected. Nested components
* will be inspected recursively.
* <li>If {@code id} describes a repository, all contained components will be
* inspected as if their ID had been provided.
* <li>If {@code id} describes a <em>PCM element</em>, it will be selected.
* <li>Any other ID will be silently ignored.
* </ul>
* @param identifiers Identifiers of elements in the repository files that shall be
* written to the Blackboard.
* @param blackboardFactory all translated <em>PCM elements</em> will be written on
* it. The rdias, seffLoops, seffBranches and externalCallPAramerts will
* never be {@code null} afterwards.
public void getBlackboardForIds(final BlackboardCreator blackboardFactory, final String... identifiers) {
if (identifiers == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
for (final String identifier : identifiers) {
if (identifier == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
final Collection<String> identifierCollection = new LinkedList<String>();
for (final String identifier : identifiers) {
this.getBlackboardForIds(identifierCollection, blackboardFactory);